1. Anna University, Chennai, India
The use of information and communication technologies is increasing in the present scenario to a great extent for various purposes such as education, entertainment, business, e-governance, and so on. When ICT use expanded its origin, it has also predominantly taken a huge place in domestic activities. In the recent decade, the domestication of technologies in home has been expanding and its influence in family activities and family members must be a considerable area to study. Though many scholars from various countries attempted to understand the ICT influence in family life, this chapter adds a contribution to the field by analysing how the different activities in domestic life influences the family dynamics. This research collected the data from two different generation family members such as parents and children. This will help to understand how the ICT use influences the intergeneration family members. It is found that ICT has a desirable influence in family activities. Young adults are highly influenced by parents, and the regular monitoring is expected to avoid harmful effects.