Improving the Communication Skills of International Students


Gündüz Murat1ORCID,Alakbarov Naib1,Demirci Ayhan2


1. Usak University, Turkey

2. Toros University, Turkey


Since the second half of the 20th century, the rapid change in the world has emerged in the field of higher education (HE) as in many other areas. With international education, countries are preparing the ground for producing science in their countries, both by attracting qualified minds to their own countries and by offering them employment options. At the same time, the international training field, which is a competitive competition, allows countries to seriously increase their education investments and thus improve their quality. Through international education, there is better recognition and interaction among different cultures. In the countries where international students are located, the common cultural and artistic activities of the host students in the classroom, school, and campus and the communication with the public in the settlement will enable the cultures to get to know each other better.


IGI Global

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1. Integration of International Students With Education Processes Through Information Systems;Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage;2022







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