Clearly Communicating Conceptions of Validity and Reliability


Dean Debra J.1


1. Regent University, USA


When embarking on this journey, the author had little expectation of finding the topics of validity and reliability to be so complex and convoluted or so interesting. This chapter helps to clear the air and communicate the concepts of validity and reliability more clearly. The challenges seem to include the wording used to introduce and describe the concepts along with the transformation of statistical equations over time and technology. What remains the same is the importance of knowing whether an instrument is valid and reliable. One of the most basic places to start with conducting a robust quantitative research project is to have valid and reliable instruments. This may involve creating your own instrument, using an established instrument, or modifying an existing instrument. This chapter takes a deep dive into the concepts of validity and reliability uncovering some of the cynicism and myths of these topics along the way. The ultimate goal is to communicate clearly so that future research can use the proper technique(s) and describe the output in a more uniform fashion.


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