Course Development


Dann Beverly1


1. University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia


This chapter discusses the impact of feedback as dialogue and video use in a new science methods course that was created to meet new governmental requirements. National demands increased the evidence required by preservice teachers to demonstrate quality teaching and learning in initial teacher education programs impacting on program and course design. This led to increasing reflective opportunities and demonstrating knowledge of subject content for preservice teachers in one small metropolitan university. The ability of 32 preservice teachers to reflect on teaching strategies and their subject knowledge as part of a video teaching assignment with peers in a university classroom is described and discussed. Results indicated high participation in dialogue and dialogic feedback. Personal reflections revealed preservice teachers' understanding of teaching strategies, pedagogies, and subject knowledge improved with support. This has implications for final year preservice teacher progress where they need to demonstrate graduate requirements to transition into the profession.


IGI Global

Reference74 articles.

1. Adams, R. (2012). NAPLAN reporting −measures and models for reporting gain over time. Retrieved from pdf

2. Fostering a community of practice through a professional development program to improve elementary teachers' views of nature of science and teaching practice

3. Teachers Bridge to Constructivism

4. Identifying predictors of students’ perception of and engagement with assessment feedback







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