The understanding of the difficulties in overcoming the gap, with the importance of maturing TSUs into complete firms, makes the involvement of the government in assisting the transition important. General aspects of the conditions and restraints on government support are presented followed by the reasons for government involvement. The main need for government support, to overcome market failure, is presented and explained as is the importance of the TSU economically and socially. The requirements in terms of learning and developing capabilities as well as the difference between the needs of internal actions and out-sourcing is clarified. The difference between financial and non-financial support is explained, as are the differences between general support (e.g., standardization) and firm specific support. Some of the specific tools (e.g., beta-site support, marketing entry support tools) are presented. Their types and purposes are described in general, with a reference to other sources for those interested in reading more.
Reference9 articles.
1. EU. (2000). Lisbon European Council 23 and 24 March 2000. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/summits/lis1_en.htm#1
2. EU. (2003). Communication from the Commission
3. Investing in research: An action plan for Europe. COM (2003) 226 final. https://ec.europa.eu/invest-in-research/pdf/226/en.pdf
4. The difficulties in assessing the impact of EU framework programmes
5. Additionality of EU framework programmes