Behavioral Disorders


Jakovljevic Maria1,Buckley Sheryl1ORCID


1. University of South Africa, South Africa


Behavioral disorders are on the rise at all levels of upbringing and education, among all categories of children and students, both in terms of their scope and forms of manifestation. The focus of this chapter is to elaborate on the notion of behavioral disorders to introduce a variety of definitions recognized by researchers and practitioners in different scientific disciplines studied by social pedagogy. Furthermore, the emphasis of this chapter is to investigate classifications, criteria, and categories of behavioral problems and identify risks and protective factors among children and young people. These risk factors were discovered in school settings, among peers, and in family climates instigating mild and serious behavioral challenges. The chapter provides a detailed insight into risk factors caused by genetics, family environments, school education, media influence, and free time utilization. The content of this chapter will expand the theoretical and practical knowledge of social pedagogues and other professionals who deal with diverse behavioral disorders in various societies.


IGI Global

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