1. İstanbul University, Turkey
Postmodernism is interpreted with an opposed thought about modernism which affects all of the art fields. Cinema art is affected from the discourse created by postmodernism. As a result of the changes of narrative strategies in film narratives by postmodernism, existing conventions in classical narration cinema have been differentiated. In this chapter, Onur Ünlü's, who has given artworks in New Era Turkish Cinema, Güneşin Oğlu and Celal Tan ve Ailesinin Aşırı Acıklı Hikayesi films are analyzed according to postmodern narrative strategies with postmodern genre film criticism. Arguments, which are used by Onur Ünlü in the plot of his two films, are discussed together with narrative strategies. How the postmodern narrative strategies such as intertextuality, collage, parody, pastiche, self-reflexivity are used in both of the films are analyzed with plot, characters, time, and space. In collaboration with basic elements of narrative, narrative strategy is mentioned with regard to New Era Turkish Cinema's progressing.