1. InfoNanoBiophotonics Research Institute, Poland
Pathology and dynamics of particular cells and the molecular components of immune system is still challenging to be traced within living organisms. The techniques of molecular imaging (MI) are promising tools to monitor the immune system at work, to improve or allow personalized diagnostics and treatment, especially of the autoimmune diseases. In this study some possible targets for MI and biosensing are discussed. The personalized medicine, in addition to bioinformatics-based systemic approach, requires extensive research and novel high-throughput technologies like next generation of imaging, biosensing experimental systems based on microfluidics, nanotechnology, femtochemistry, superresolution (STED, STORM, PALM, SOFI, etc.), label-free imaging, spectroscopy (including TCSPC), MRI, multimodal optical methods, accoustic imaging through ultrasonic waves, nuclear medicine methods like SPECT and PET. Moreover, dedicated designs of modular Lab-on-Chip solutions are of high demand to perform multipurpose cell measurement and give a possibility to flexibly interact with sensed objects.