From the first day of instruction, it's important to understand the skill objectives in a second language classroom, and for instruction to be aligned with the assessment. In addition, the pace of instruction should be based on qualitative and quantitative data derived from the use of ongoing formative assessments. These assessments are crucial to determine what skills students have mastered, and which ones may require further instruction and practice, with the goal for students to be able to effectively communicate in the target language in real-world scenarios. In this chapter, the author identifies and emphasizes the importance of using integrated performance assessments to drive the pace of instruction. There are three different tools presented which have been used effectively to measure students' speaking skills, vocabulary knowledge, and ability to apply grammatical concepts in a second language (L2) classroom for students with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences. And finally, there is an opportunity to put the practical concepts learned in the chapter into practice.
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