Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA) and the Diagnostic Process in TMD


Becker, DDS, FAGD Ray M.1


1. International Certifying and Interpretation Instructor of the Total BioPAK System, Private Practice, USA


This chapter describes joint vibration analysis technology (JVA), that assesses pathological changes that can occur within the temporomandibular joints. The diagnostic process and a simplified approach to better understand and efficiently treat temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), will be overviewed. With over 38 different etiologies under the umbrella term “TMD,” the need to streamline and effectively determine an accurate definitive diagnosis and potential treatment options becomes apparent. Joint vibration analysis (JVA) uses tissue accelerometers to objectively capture vibrations given off by structurally compromised, internal TM joint anatomy. This structural breakdown leads to altered mandibular movement patterns during chewing function. Different attributes of representative JVA vibrations have been shown to indicate the presence of various disease states, often seen within the temporomandibular joint complex. After being recorded, the JVA software displays the various vibration waveforms for clinician analysis, to determine the specific internal derangement present. This chapter provides an overview of the various vibratory waveforms that indicate TM Joint pathology is present, and illustrates the utility of joint vibration analysis as a temporomandibular joint diagnostic adjunct. When this information is combined with a thorough clinical exam and medical history, a clinician can then begin to efficiently present the information to the patient. Significantly, proper communication begins with presenting information that is easily understood and familiar to the patient. A simplified approach utilizing a JVA-based diagnostic process, will be overviewed in detail.


IGI Global

Reference70 articles.

1. The use of cone-beam computed tomography in dentistry

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3. The strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative research: what method for nursing?

4. Temporomandibular Joint Vibration Analysis in a Sample of Non-Patients







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