1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia
At present, language training is part and parcel of engineering education in Russia. A modern engineer must have both a communicative competence in the professional sphere and an intercultural view of the world. Accordingly, the topic of the assessment of foreign language textbooks for technical universities is highly relevant. This chapter is dedicated to this issue. The analysis of foreign language textbooks for technical universities is conducted through a cognitive-linguistic approach, using its toolkit, namely the diagnostic matrix. The diagnostic matrix is based on criteria that allow analyzing training materials, carrying out their diagnostics from the point of view of the specifics and regularities of the formation of students' language picture of the world. This pedagogical research innovation will allow pedagogical science to effectively solve issues related to the elaboration of pedagogical semiology as a new area of pedagogical knowledge.
Reference33 articles.
1. Arutyunova, N. D. (1999). Yazyk i mir cheloveka [Human Language and World]. Moscow, Russia: Yazyki russkoi kul'tury.
2. Bogdanova, N. N., & Semenova, E. L. (2009). Uchebnik nemeckogo yazyka dlya texnicheskix universitetov i vuzov (s interaktivnymi uprazhneniyami i tekstami na kompakt-diske) [Textbook in German dedicated for technical universities and institutions (with interactive exercises and texts on CD)]. Moscow, Russia: Bauman MSTU Press.
3. Linguistic and Cultural Skills for Communication in Global Workplaces of the 21st Century
4. Multiculturality and Multimodal Languages