1. Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, India
2. Central Potato Research Institute, India
3. National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, India
Potato is a temperate crop and higher day temperatures cause some areas to less suitable for potato production due to lower tuber yields and its quality. Tuber growth and yield can be severely reduced by temperature fluctuations outside 5-30 °C. The rate of warming in last 50 years is double than that for the last century. Increase in temperature and atmospheric CO2 are interlinked occurring simultaneously under future climate change and global warming scenarios. If CO2 is elevated to 550 ppm the temperature rise is likely to be 3 ºC with decline in potato production by 13.72% in the year 2050. The changing climate will affect the potato production adversely due to drought, salinity, frost, flooding, erratic unseasonal rains etc. It may reduce seed tuber production, impact storage facility and potato processing industries. Therefore, the quantification of regional vulnerability and impact assessment is very important for the development of early warning on disease forecasting systems, breeding of short duration and heat, drought, salinity tolerant and disease resistant cultivars.