1. Dr. Tahar Moulay University of Saida, Algeria
This chapter is a comparative study between two bio-inspired approach based on the swarm intelligence for automatic text summaries: Social Spiders and Social Bees. The authors use two techniques of extraction, one after the other: scoring of phrases and similarity that aims to eliminate redundant phrases without losing the theme of the text. While the optimization uses the bio-inspired approach to perform the results of the previous step, the objective function of the optimization is to maximize the sum of similarity between phrases of the candidate summary in order to keep the theme of the text and minimize the sum of scores in order to increase the summarization rate. This optimization will also give a candidate's summary where the order of the phrases changes compared to the original text. For the third and final step concerning choosing a best summary from all candidate summaries generated by optimization layer, the authors opted for the technique of voting with a simple majority.