1. What a robotic companion could do for a diabetic child
2. Baxter, P., Belpaeme, T., Canamero, L., Cosi, P., Demiris, Y., Enescu, V., ... & Neerincx, M. (2011). Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction with Young Users. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM HRI-2011 workshop on Robots interacting with children, Lausanne.
3. Bernt, M., Saerbeck, M., & Bartneck, C. (2009). Iterative design process for robots with personality. Proceedings of the Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction AISB ‘09 (pp. 94-101).
4. Bernt, M., Martin, S., & Christoph, B. (2009). Iterative design process for robots with personality. Proceedings of the AISB2009 Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction, Edinburgh, UK (pp. 94-101).
5. Effect of cognitive biases on human-robot interaction: A case study of a robot's misattribution