Specific Features of Fragmented Content



In the future, data will connect everything and everybody. Open data is related to transparency, affordability, and participative education. The open pedagogy will be concerned with a specific feature of fragmented content. This chapter provides an informal introduction to micro-learning and nano-learning, especially as it may be applied to open textbook use and development. What is fragmented content? What is nano-curriculum? What is nano-learning? In which ways are they similar, and what distinguishes one from another? The principal characteristics of each are described. An assumption, made explicit from the start, is that fragmented content should not just be used as content, but as a strong correlation between the content, context, and learning process. This innovation is described involving a metacognitive collaborative activity “student as a partner.” Based on the outcomes of this project, a further methodological idea was undertaken. This chapter suggests that fragmented content is an excellent means for enhancing the self-regulation competence of university student.


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