Religion and the Social Economy


Brown Malcolm David1


1. University of Southern Queensland, Australia


This chapter presents “elective affinities” between, on the one hand, strands in contemporary religiosity that seek to rediscover or reinterpret older religiosities in a contemporary context and idiom (e.g. liberation theology, multi-faith activity, the SBNR - spiritual but not religious - phenomenon, and the new monasticism), and, on the other hand, the contemporary phenomenon of the social economy (social business, social enterprise, and the sharing economy). As the social economy occupies a space between the values of capitalism and the strategies of socialism, rooted in a civil society that strives to maintain a freedom from both the economy and the state, so these religious phenomena occupy a space between secularisation and sacralisation, between a separation of church and state and a subsumption of state under church. They are all concerned with social justice now (rather than after the revolution), and bear witness to a potential for religious and societal transformation.


IGI Global

Reference40 articles.

1. Aitken, R. (1991, September). Did those mortal beings imagine that Allah talked with the Quakers’ God? Reflections on a Woodbrookean conversation. Paper presented at thePresident’s Seminar, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, UK.

2. Summa of Christian teaching;T.Aquinas;An Aquinas Reader,1972







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