1. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, India
Higher states of consciousness are developed by meditation, defined by Patanjali as that which transforms focused attention into pure consciousness, the 4th state of pure consciousness - a major state in its own right, with its own physics, that of ‘experience information'. Phenomenologies of states 5 to 7 are explained from the perspective of modern physics and quantum cosmology. The role of the 5th state in life is to make possible witnessing states 1 to 3 resulting in ‘Perfection in Action'. Refinement of perception involved in the 6th State results in hearing the Cosmic Om, seeing the Inner Light, and seventh sense perception. All require special amplification processes on pathways of perception. Unity and Brahman Consciousness and their development are discussed with examples from the great sayings of the Upanishads, and similar cognitions like those of poet, Thomas Traherne. Throughout, supporting physics is given, particularly that of experience information, and its implications for Schrodinger's cat paradox and our scientific understanding of the universe as a whole.