1. Institute of Applied Dermatology, India
2. Green Templeton College, UK
The lymphedema is a disfiguring and disabling disease caused by dysfunction of lymphatic system due to damage/block or by lymph overload. Breast Cancer Related Lmyphedema and elephantiasis due to Lymphatic Filariasis are most prevalent world over. This chapter describes the yoga protocols used as a part of integrative medicine treatment, to treat lymphedema. Patients perform yoga in two sessions. It includes warm up, breathing, prolonged exercise with appropriate rests and relaxation. Yoga helps to drain lymph though various mechanisms. Asanas focus on dermal stretch, joint movement, muscle pumps and muscle stretch and pranayamas on lung expansion. Yoga also provides knee strengthening, gait correction and improves shoulder movement. Joint movements and muscle contractions are designed to mimic nodal drainage. Yoga sequence is arranged to achieve a similar role of manual lymph drainage as that of Foldi's Complex Decongestive Therapy. Yoga as a self-care in lymphedema is an effective treatment in endemic communities albeit not supported by randomized controlled trials.
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