1. Iowa State University, USA
This chapter discusses the potential of technology-mediated forms of L2 strategy instruction (SI) to enhance not only the design of SI interventions but also SI evaluations and L2 strategy research more generally. The results of an empirical study are used to show how technology can facilitate the delivery of SI in ways supportive of increasingly online forms of L2 learning while at the same time providing remedies for problematic features of SI evaluation, including access to process data showing how learners actually perform strategy-related tasks, the timing and frequency of collection of learner-perception data, and most importantly, data about task definition and metacognitive monitoring, which can position L2 strategies within frameworks for self-regulated learning. The underlying premise of this chapter is the need to revitalize the field of L2 learner strategies with new methods for evaluation and research that can better capture the complex and situated nature of L2 strategy use.