Chapter 8 evaluates a most interesting and up-to-date topic of electric arc furnace oxidizing slag as aggregates' quality and development of functional concrete. A comprehensive introduction is given followed by a scientific method of stabilizing electric arc furnace (EAF). Oxidizing slag (EOS) is explained in brief. Subsequently, expansion mechanism of EOS and physical and chemical properties of EOS aggregates are covered in reasonable detail. A method for quantitative evaluation of free CaO contained in EOS that covers free CaO content as a function of aging period and open storage position for EOS and ERS samples are explained. Results indicated that the functional concrete using EOS aggregates satisfied the standards of slump, amount of air, its unit volume weight, and compressive strength. Moreover, x-ray irradiation experiment confirmed that the functional concrete using EOS aggregates showed a shielding performance approximately 20% higher than the typical concrete. These results verify that EOS has sufficiently good properties for use as concrete aggregate.