1. Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad, India
In this chapter, a cloud security mechanism is described in which the computation (addition) of messages securely stored on the cloud is possible. Any user encrypts the secret message using the receiver's public key and stores it. Later on, whenever the stored message is required by an authentic user, he retrieves the encrypted message and decrypts it by using his secret key. However, he can also request the cloud for an addition of encrypted messages. The cloud system only computes the requested addition and sends it to the authentic user; it cannot decrypt the stored encrypted messages on its own. This addition of encrypted messages should be the same as the encryption of the addition of original messages. In this chapter, the authors propose a homomorphic encryption technique in which the above-discussed scenario is possible. The cloud securely computes the addition of the encrypted messages which is ultimately the encryption of the addition of the original messages. The security of the proposed encryption technique depends on the hardness of elliptic curve hard problems.