1. Karpagam College of Engineering, India
2. Sri Krishna College of Technology, India
Internet of things (IoT) is a recent technology, and it will become the next generation of internet that connects several physical objects to interact amongst themselves without the assistance of human beings. It plays a significant role in our day-to-day lives and is used in several applications. IoT is a boon to this modern world, but it lacks in security. It cannot protect the user data from assailants, hackers, and vulnerabilities. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) helps to achieve all these objectives by incorporating secured end-to-end layer into its architecture. In this chapter, ultralow power and reduced area AES architecture with energy efficient DSE-S box techniques and clock gating for IoT applications are introduced. The proposed AES architecture is implemented over different FPGA families such as Cyclone I, Cyclone II, Virtex 5, and Kintex 7, respectively. From the experimental results, it is observed that the Kintex 7 FPGA kit consumes less power than other FPGA families.