Burstiness as a Predictor of Performance



Entrepreneurship education in teacher professional development is of paramount importance as teachers are a critical success factor in the entrepreneurship development. However, little attention has been paid to burstiness as a predictor of performance. The aim of the manuscript is to analyze the relationship between burstiness of entrepreneurship education in teacher professional development and teachers' entrepreneurial performance underpinning implementation of an empirical study in the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). The meaning of the key concepts of “burstiness,” “performance,” “entrepreneurship education,” and “teacher professional development” is studied. The findings of the empirical study allow drawing the conclusion that a level of frequency, as a criterion of burstiness, of entrepreneurship education in teacher professional development does not reflect a level of teachers' entrepreneurial performance. The novel contribution of this manuscript is the newly formulated research question on burstiness as a predictor of performance.


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