1. Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Burnout syndrome (BS) and obesity have a high economic impact on different fields. This chapter presents a descriptive study of both conditions among middle and senior managers in the maquiladora industry of Ciudad Juarez. The Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey- was administered to six companies. A sample of 361 participants informed their weight and height. Five levels of Burnout were obtained. Obesity was studied according to the World Health Organization criteria. Results found that 29.8% is exempt from BS, 10.5% has low level, 12.9% has a middle level, 28.2% a fairly level and 18.5% an extreme level of BS. In addition, 34% of the sample suffers from some degree of obesity. Work psychosocial aspects and their effects on human capital development in the industrial sector are not sufficiently studied in developing countries so that to develop strategies for the prevention and effective handling of both BS and obesity.