Mining Sport Activities


Fister Jr. Iztok1,Fister Iztok1


1. University of Maribor, Slovenia


For many people, sport is one of the stress relieving activity. People being involved with sport wish to achieve: attractive shape, healthy lifestyle, lose weights, and so on. However, there are also people who deal with sport because of competition goals. In order to fulfill their competition goals, they need to train properly. Even for professionals, it is very hard to perform a serious training. On the other hand, recent expansion of smart sport watches and even smart phones allow athletes to train smarter. During the months and years, they produce dozens of activity files. These files offer a thousands opportunities for data mining approaches, where athletes gained a deep insight in their training data. Data mining approaches are able to extract habits of athletes, help to prevent over-training syndrome and injuries, clustering similar activities together, and much more. In this chapter, we show opportunities for data mining, enumerate recent applications and outline future potentials for research and applications in real-world.


IGI Global

Reference18 articles.

1. Agrawal, R., & Srikant, R. (1994). Fast algorithms for mining association rules. In Proc. 20th int. conf. very large data bases, VLDB (Vol. 1215, pp. 487-499).

2. Ubiquitous computing in sports: A review and analysis

3. A Server-Based Mobile Coaching System

4. Fister Jr, I. (2015). Podatkovno rudarjenje športnih aktivnosti. Poster session presented at IFAM 2015.

5. Data Mining in Sporting Activities Created by Sports Trackers







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