Cyberinfrastructure, Cloud Computing, Science Gateways, Visualization, and Cyberinfrastructure Ease of Use


Stewart Craig A.1,Knepper Richard1,Link Matthew R.1,Pierce Marlon1,Wernert Eric1,Wilkins-Diehr Nancy2


1. Indiana University, USA

2. San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA


Computers accelerate our ability to achieve scientific breakthroughs. As technology evolves and new research needs come to light, the role for cyberinfrastructure as “knowledge” infrastructure continues to expand. In essence, cyberinfrastructure can be thought of as the integration of supercomputers, data resources, visualization, and people that extends the impact and utility of information technology. This article discusses cyberinfrastructure, the related topics of science gateways and campus bridging, and identifies future challenges and opportunities in cyberinfrastructure.


IGI Global

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1. Assessment of non-financial returns on cyberinfrastructure;Proceedings of the Humans in the Loop: Enabling and Facilitating Research on Cloud Computing;2019-07-29

2. Assessment of financial returns on investments in cyberinfrastructure facilities;Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning);2019-07-28

3. Twister2: Design of a big data toolkit;Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience;2019-03-06







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