1. UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
2. Swinburne Universty of Technology, Australia
3. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
The aim of this project is to study and develop graphene-based DNA sensor model for detection of DNA hybridization application. This includes modeling and simulation of carrieconcentration, conductance, and current-voltage characteristics of graphene-based sensors on the field effect transistor (FET) platform. The main challenge is to validate the developed modelwith the experimental data,sincegraphene is considered as a new emerging material and research is still rapidly taking place with fabrication effort reported so far. In this research, first, numerical model is developed which shows the dependency of current-voltage characteristics on the DNA concentration factor. The iteration method is used for developing the numerical model. The proposed model is simulated utilizing MATLAB software to validate with experimental data of DNA hybridization. The Id-Vg characteristic of the proposed numerical model is depicted for different concentrations of DNA molecules and compared with experimental data for the verification purpose. After determining the accuracy of the models, particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique is used to minimize the error of the numerical model.Then, optimization results are shown. Overally, the accuracy of more than 98% represents an overall error of less than 2\% which is quite acceptable for the optimized numerical model.