Patent Information Project to Leverage Innovation


Maravilhas-Lopes Sérgio1ORCID


1. IES-ICS, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil


This chapter describes the project for the development and implementation of a theoretical support model for the creation of an information system that will allow the dissemination of scientific and technical information contained in patent documents using the web sites of industrial property official entities. The support of information resources, available through libraries and information services in universities, will be crucial for the project and the success of university research centres (URC) in Science, Technology, and Medicine (STM). To achieve a coherent program of dissemination and make possible the access to patent information by the URC, social media network (SMN) tools (like RSS, Blogs, Wikis, Newsletters) will be used. The tools will also effectively achieve control to constantly improve the system implemented.


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Reference38 articles.

1. Quality assurance in the EPO Patent Information Resource

2. Baxter, M. (2000). Projeto de Produto: Guia prático para o design de novos produtos (2ª ed.). S. Paulo, Brazil: Edgard Blücher.

3. Birch, P. & Clegg, B. (1999). Criatividade em Negócios: Um Guia para Gestores (1ª ed.). Viseu: Pergaminho.

4. Patents: A unique source for scientific technical information in chemistry related industry?







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