1. University of Southern Queensland, Australia
2. Epworth HealthCare, Australia & Deakin University, Australia
In this conceptual chapter we have reviewed prominent theories or models in relation to the adoption of technology for wired devices. We have identified shortcomings in these leading models in predicting adoption behaviour associated with the wireless technology. The shortcomings are particularly acute in wireless handheld technology by comparison with desk top technology in which the adoption models have been extensively studied. Here we propose “Readiness Acceptance Model” (RAM) as new conceptual model for the adoption of ICT in conjunction with wireless handheld technology. Readiness is defined as user's ability to perceived readiness of the business in the context of organizational, technological, perceptional, behavioural, and environmental attributes for the acceptance of wireless handheld devices. In formulating the conceptual framework for RAM we incorporated variable characteristics from the nine prominent models reviewed here. We believe these considerations would allow RAM to be useful in wireless handheld technology ICT domains.