1. Siberian Federal University, Russia
C.G. Jung defined the concept of a collective unconsciousness (CU). Fundamentally, Jungian archetypes of the unconscious may be understood as quantum electrodynamic (QED) patterns that exist at deep levels of human individual and collective psyche. Unlike the concepts of Sigmund Freud, comparative research demonstrates that Jungian dream therapy—which is based on archetypal dynamics—accords with the most recent research in the field of neurolinguistics. Archetypal dynamics of the collective unconsciousness have direct applicability to research on sentience in a quantum electrodynamic field according to quantum field theory (QFT). Increasingly in today's science that which has been considered unconscious must be understood as “sentient.” Before Freud and Jung, science did not contemplate the unconscious because a “nullity” cannot be measured.
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