Early Work on UV Sensitive Solid Photocathodes for Gaseous Detectors



Ultimately, a solid photocathode is advantageous over gaseous and liquid photocathodes. Gaseous detectors with solid photocathodes are simpler to manufacture and have better time resolution than detectors filled with photosensitive gases. They should be able to operate at high gas gains and detect single photoelectrons. Finally, compared to vacuum photomultipliers they have little sensitivity to magnetic fields and can measure the coordinate of photon conversion and can be made with large areas and arbitrary shapes. All this proves that gaseous photomultipliers with solid photocathodes open a new page in photosensitive detection technique. We will here review the early development of solid photocathodes, and the road towards the modern photocathodes which have revolutionized the photosensitive detector technology.


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Reference32 articles.

1. Organoiron electron-reservoir complexes

2. Bottcher, E. H. (1984). Experimentelle Untersuchung der photoelektrischen Leitung reiner und mit aromatischen moluculen dotierler organisher. (PhD Thesis). Free University Berlin.

3. Photoelectric Currents in Gases between Parallel Plates as a Function of the Potential Difference

4. GEM photomultiplier operation in CF4

5. Investigation of the crystal scintillations in the VUV region








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