Developing SMS Health Messages for Pregnant Indigenous Australians Using Persuasive Technology


George Reece1


1. University of Newcastle, Australia


While developed nations search for solutions to pay for the increasing financial burden of healthcare, developing nations provide a way forward in the deployment of innovative healthcare. Mobile SMS programs are low-cost and effective in supporting health services. Having been successfully used to address lifestyle factors directly affecting maternal outcomes, such as: smoking, physical activity, nutrition, substance use and psychological stressors. Of primary importance in the development of SMS behavior change programs to support the maternal healthcare of Indigenous Australian women, is cultural appropriateness; specifically, the cultural notion of ‘women's business'. In traditional Indigenous Australian culture, it is senior women who teach young women about maternal health and it is considered offensive for anyone other than a senior woman to instruct women on such matters. This discussion will consider the challenges in developing maternal healthcare SMS messages that aim to satisfy both the culturally sensitive requirements in addition to the medical requirements.


IGI Global

Reference124 articles.

1. ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics). (2011a). The Health and Welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. cat. no. 4704.0. Author.

2. ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics). (2011b). Census of Population and Housing: Characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. cat. no. 2076.0. Author.

3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2013a). Healthy for Life - Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services: report card (cat. no. IHW 97). Retrieved May 6, 2014, from







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