The following analysis is intended to demonstrate the interconnection which winds through disorders affecting adolescents, generated and amplified by the pandemic period such as vamping, overthinking, ludopathy, and the school “drop-out” phenomenon. Specifically, the phenomenon tat turns out to be as imperceptible in its genesis, as dramatic in its outcome, characterized by a considerable school dropout with inevitable and catastrophic incidents on identity development, cognitive and interpersonal skills, as well as on the future of young people's work. The study presents the analysis of data related to the evolution of the phenomenon of early school leaving with particular reference to the years 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021. In addition, the research is based on studies carried out on this particular topic and aims to identify and confirm the didactic and pedagogical strategies to be adopted in the school and social context in order to deal with disorders and to counter the risk of early school leaving.