In recent years, developments in information and communication technologies, like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, internet of things (IoT), big data, advanced robotics technologies, etc. have revealed the concept of digital transformation. It is not possible for the scientific world to remain irrelevant to the issue of digital transformation, which has such a great impact. When the literature is scannedit, it is seen that each discipline examines "digital transformation" from its own perspective. In this study, the awareness of the students studying in the Information and Records Management Department of the university regarding the concepts of industry 4.0 was investigated. In this study; quantitative research methods were used and the data were collected with using the Industry 4.0 Conceptual Awareness Scale. The scale includes 29 concepts that entered our lives with industry 4.0. In the research, it was investigated how well the students had mastered the related concepts. The result shows that the students are not very familiar with the concepts of industry 4.0 yet.