The public transport system is essential for any community to develop socio-economic growth. Performance indicators are the indication tools that determine where the defects are. As a result, the greater Amman municipality GAM has addressed this issue by launching a new transport system called the “Amman Bus Rapid Transit” BRT system that serves the public. Therefore, this paper investigates the sustainability performance indicators with respect to the economic, environmental, and social dimensions that measure the Amman BRT system. The literature review was the first tool used to generate indicators followed by commencing semi-structured interviews with five experts in the field. The findings indicated that there are 13 indicators that can be used to measure the sustainability performance of the Amman BRT system. Moreover, the results showed that the overall indicators are significant, but the most important one is affordability within the economic dimension. The current study recommended extending the methodology to use different multi-criteria decision-making techniques.