JavaMOO Virtual Cells for Science Learning


Vender Bradley1,Borchert Otto1,Dischinger Ben1,Hokanson Guy1,McClean Phillip1,Slator Brian M.1


1. North Dakota State University, USA


One of the World Wide Web Instructional Committee (WWWIC) at North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) long running projects is the Virtual Cell, a desktop immersive virtual environment developed for biology education. The focus of the content in the Virtual Cell is cellular biology, and the underlying focus of the content modules is the scientific method and analytical reasoning. However, the technical challenges encountered during the course of the project include designing deployable server architectures, designing robust simulations, and developing high quality animations without losing interactivity.


IGI Global

Reference6 articles.

1. Curtis, P. (1992). Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities. In Proceedings of the Conference on Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing (sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility). Berkeley,CA, April.

2. El Ariss, O., Xu, D., Dandey, S., Vender, B., Mcclean, P., & Slator, B. (2010). A Systematic Capture and Replay Strategy for Testing Complex GUI based Java Applications. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Technology: Next Generations.

3. Slator, B. M. (1999) Intelligent Tutors in Virtual Worlds. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS-99). June 24-26. Denver, CO: 124-127.

4. Slator, B. M., & Chaput, H. (1996). Learning by Learning Roles: A Virtual Role-Playing Environment for Tutoring. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS'96). Montréal: Springer-Verlag, June 12-14, (pp. 668-676). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by C. Frasson, G. Gauthier, A. Lesgold).

5. Slator, B. M., Chaput, H., Cosmano, R., Ben Dischinger, C. I., & Vender, B. (2006). A Multi-User Desktop Virtual Environment for Teaching Shop-Keeping to Children. Virtual Reality Journal, 9, pp. 49-56. Springer-Verlag. LambdaMOO version of Virtual Cell (thesis and/or other papers).







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