1. CNRS; LAAS, France & Université de Toulouse, France & University of Sfax, Tunisia
2. CNRS; LAAS, France & Université de Toulouse, France
3. University of Sfax, Tunisia
The successfulness of the Component-Based Development (CBD) process relies on several factors, including: the structuration of the component repositories, and the comparison procedures for interface exploring while comparing the expected and the provided services. Both functional and non-functional features should be considered. This chapter presents three key factors to guarantee the successfulness of the repository reuse: the description, the classification and the discovery of components. Through this study, first, the type of information is specified. Next, the style of adopted search is indicated, and then the type of comparison, and the level of specification. Then, the chapter analyzes the importance of non-functional constraints in the description of the components, and studies the advantages and the disadvantages of existing techniques.
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