Adaptive Technology and Its Applications


Neto João José1


1. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil


Before the advent of software engineering, the lack of memory space in computers and the absence of established programming methodologies led early programmers to use self-modification as a regular coding strategy. Although unavoidable and valuable for that class of software, solutions using self-modification proved inadequate while programs grew in size and complexity, and security and reliability became major requirements. Software engineering, in the 70’s, almost led to the vanishing of self-modifying software, whose occurrence was afterwards limited to small low-level machinelanguage programs with very special requirements. Nevertheless, recent research developed in this area, and the modern needs for powerful and effective ways to represent and handle complex phenomena in hightechnology computers are leading self-modification to be considered again as an implementation choice in several situations. Artificial intelligence strongly contributed for this scenario by developing and applying non-conventional approaches, e.g. heuristics, knowledge representation and handling, inference methods, evolving software/ hardware, genetic algorithms, neural networks, fuzzy systems, expert systems, machine learning, etc. In this publication, another alternative is proposed for developing Artificial Intelligence applications: the use of adaptive devices, a special class of abstractions whose practical application in the solution of current problems is called Adaptive Technology. The behavior of adaptive devices is defined by a dynamic set of rules. In this case, knowledge may be represented, stored and handled within that set of rules by adding and removing rules that represent the addition or elimination of the information they represent. Because of the explicit way adopted for representing and acquiring knowledge, adaptivity provides a very simple abstraction for the implementation of artificial learning mechanisms: knowledge may be comfortably gathered by inserting and removing rules, and handled by tracking the evolution of the set of rules and by interpreting the collected information as the representation of the knowledge encoded in the rule set.


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Reference17 articles.

1. Almeida, J. R., Jr. (1995)**. STAD - Uma ferramenta para representação e simulação de sistemas através de statecharts adaptativos. São Paulo, 202p. Doctoral Thesis. Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo.

2. Basseto, B. A., & Neto, J. J. (1999)*. A stochastic musical composer based on adaptive algorithms. Anais do XIX Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. SBC-99, Vol. 3, pp. 105-13.

3. Generation and recognition of formal languages by modifiable grammars

4. Dynamic parsers and evolving grammars

5. A survey of adaptable grammars







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