Modern Approaches to Software Engineering in the Compositional Era


Dogru Ali1,Senkul Pinar1,Kaya Ozgur1


1. Middle Eastern Technical University, Turkey


The amazing evolution fuelled by the introduction of the computational element has already changed our lives and continues to do so. Initially, the fast advancement in hardware partially enabled an appreciation for software potency. This meant that engineers had to have a better command over this field that was crucial in the solution of current and future problems and requirements. However, software development has been reported as not adequate, or mature enough. Intelligence can help closing this gap. This chapter introduces the historical and modern aspects of software engineering within the artificial intelligence perspective. Also an illustrative example is included that demonstrates a rule-based approach for the development of fault management systems.


IGI Global

Reference17 articles.

1. Almeida, J. R., Jr. (1995)**. STAD - Uma ferramenta para representação e simulação de sistemas através de statecharts adaptativos. São Paulo, 202p. Doctoral Thesis. Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo.

2. Basseto, B. A., & Neto, J. J. (1999)*. A stochastic musical composer based on adaptive algorithms. Anais do XIX Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. SBC-99, Vol. 3, pp. 105-13.

3. Generation and recognition of formal languages by modifiable grammars

4. Dynamic parsers and evolving grammars

5. A survey of adaptable grammars







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