1. University of California, Irvine, USA
2. NASA Ames Research Center, USA
The authors present their work in the conceptualization, design, implementation, and application of “lean” information integration systems. They present a new data integration approach based on a schema-less data management and integration paradigm, which enables developing cost-effective large scale integration applications. They have designed and developed a highly scalable, information-on-demand system called NETMARK, which facilitates information access and integration based on a theory of articulation management and a context sensitive paradigm. NETMARK has been widely deployed for managing, storing, and searching unstructured or semi-structured arbitrary XML and HTML information at the National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA). In this paper the authors describe the theory, design and implementation of our system, present experimental benchmark evaluations, and validate our approach through real-world applications in the NASA enterprise. [Article copies are available for purchase from]