1. San Jose State University, USA
2. Echelon Corporation, USA
The instant deployment without relying on an existing infrastructure makes the mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) an attractive choice for many dynamic situations. An efficient MANET protocol may be applied to other important emerging wireless technologies such as wireless mesh and sensor networks. This chapter proposes a hierarchical routing scheme that is scalable, energy-efficient, and self-organizing. This chapter presents a new algorithm: the Dynamic Leader Set Generation (DLSG). This algorithm dynamically selects leader nodes based on traffic demand, locality, and residual energy level, and de-selects them based on residual energy. Therefore, energy consumption and traffic load are distributed throughout the network. The network also reorganizes itself surrounding the dynamically selected leader nodes. Time, space, and message complexities are formally analyzed; implementation issues are also addressed. Incorporating the IEEE 802.11 medium access control mechanism including the power saving mode, performance evaluation is carried out by simulating DLSG and four existing hierarchical routing algorithms. It shows that DLSG successfully extends network lifetime by 20-50% while achieves a comparable level of network performance.