1. Jecrc University, India
2. University of Rajasthan, India
The Dravyavati River (Amanishah Nala) as "the existing line of Jaipur" is the most contaminated channel in Jaipur. It additionally demonstrates its potential for self-filtration. Bioremediation is a contamination control innovation that utilizes natural frameworks to speed up the debasement or change of different dangerous organism to less destructive structures. Bioremediation is an acute and productive way for sterilization that has turned out to be progressively extended nowadays to close or weaken environmental contamination. The potential for green algae in wastewater remediation is anyway a lot more extensive in degree than its energy job. Water samples collected from Dravyavati River, Jaipur, India and identified algae through Microscopic method. The green algae assume a vital job in controlling and biomonitoring of genetic pollution in amphibian biological communities. Algae are critical bioremediation operators and areas of now being used in wastewater treatment.
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Development,Ecology,Environmental Engineering