The Application of Blending Learning in the Animation Major in Colleges and Universities in the Era of “Internet +”


Ni Na1,He Zhongsheng1


1. Henan University, China


This paper mainly discusses the application of blending learning in animation teaching. Blending learning is a combination of traditional teaching mode and online teaching mode, which can provide students with more flexible and independent learning methods and improve teachers' teaching quality and teaching effect. This paper analyzes and discusses the current situation of animation major, the present situation and configuration of blending learning, the teaching design of blending learning, the enlightenment, significance, and practical application of blending learning in animation teaching. Universities and teachers should strengthen research and practice in technical equipment and technical support, students' autonomous learning ability and willingness, adaptability and innovation of teaching contents and methods, evaluation and monitoring of teaching quality and teaching effect, so as to promote the application and development of blending learning in animation teaching.


IGI Global

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