As one of the most widely used federated chains, hyperledger fabric uses many cryptographic algorithms to ensure the security of information on the chain, but the ECDSA cryptographic algorithm used in the fabric system has backdoor security risks. In this paper, the authors adopt SM2 algorithm to replace the corresponding ECDSA algorithm for blockchain design based on fabric platform. Firstly, they optimize the part of SM2 signature algorithm process with inverse operation and effectively reduce the time complexity by reducing the inverse operation in the whole process, and the experimental results show that the improved SM2 algorithm improves the signature and verification efficiency by about 5.7%. Secondly, by adding SM2 algorithm template and interface to the BCCSP module of fabric platform to realize the shift value of SM2 algorithm and compare the performance with the native fabric system, the network startup time is reduced by about 29%. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the improved SM2 algorithm, and also the performance of the optimized fabric system is improved.