It is well-known that high consumptions of sugary drinks cause negative effects on human health. This study aims to determine sugar, HMF, pH, and titratable acidity values of soft drinks (n = 25) sold in Turkey. All the samples were purchased from chain supermarkets in city of Bingöl, Turkey. HPLC-RID and HPLC-DAD methods were used to determine sugar profile (glucose, fructose, sucrose, and maltose) and HMF content of the samples, respectively. Results showed that total sugar and HMF contents of the samples were found to be ranged from 0.23 to 13.85 % and from 0.65 to 27.76 mg/L respectively. In 9 out of 25 samples HMF were not detected. Furthermore, pH and acidity values of the samples were found to be varied from 1.96 to 6.34 and from 0.73 to 22.07 mEq/L, respectively. The samples were classified based on their total sugar content (from sugar free to very high sugar) and pH erosive capacity (from minimally erosive to extremely erosive). Most of the samples (15 out of 25 sample) were classified in the high sugar content soft drinks (>8g/100ml) and 14 out of 25 samples were found to be considered as extremely erosive (pH
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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