The Impact of the Logotherapy-Based Spiritually Oriented Group Counseling on Meaning in Life and Multi-Measure Agentic Personality Levels of Emerging Adults


Yıldız Hatice Vildan1ORCID




In this study, it was aimed to examine the effectiveness of the 8-session group psychological counseling based on logotherapy, which was developed to increase the level of meaning in life and active personality traits of emerging adults. This research employed a pre-test, post-test, control group experimental design and was conducted online on emerging adults. The experimental group and the research control group were formed with 10 participants among the emerging adults who voluntarily agreed to participate in the research. The study group consisted of 20 emerging adults, aged 18-25; 10 (3 men, 7 women) were in the experimental group, and 10 (4 men, 6 women) were in the control group. Purpose in Life Scale and Multi-Measure Agentic Personality Scale were applied to the experimental and control groups as pre-test and post-test. The experimental group of 10 participants received around 90 minutes of 8 sessions of logotherapy-based, spiritually oriented group counseling; however, no such application was made to the control group. The nonparametric Mann Whitney U test was conducted to determine whether the scores of the experimental and control groups on the multi-measure agentic personality and life purpose scales changed significantly between the pre- and post-tests. The non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was applied to determine whether there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups’ life purpose, multi-measure agentic personality scale post-test scores, and pre-test scores. The practice of spiritually oriented group counseling based on logotherapy was found to be statistically significant at the levels of finding the meaning in life and multi measure agentic personality traits, and the findings were analyzed in the context of the literature. This study tested the efficacy of this program, and it reveals the findings on emerging adults that professionals studying in various disciplines could use this program in a functional way in their studies.


Association for Spiritual Psychology and Counseling







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