Evaluation of Pedestrian Level of Service at Signalised Intersections from the Elderly Perspective
Container-title:Promet - Traffic&Transportation
Zhang Huiling,Zhang Dekai,Wang Ruihao
The crossing decisions and behaviour of elderly pedestrians are affected by the pedestrian level of service (PLOS). In this paper, an evaluation model was established to analyse the relationship between the traffic environment and the perceived evaluation of elderly pedestrians. Firstly, the characteristic parameters of the selected intersections and the perceived evaluation data of elderly pedestrians at the synchronisation scenery were extracted using manual recording and questionnaire-based truncation methods. The correlation between the perceived evaluation data of elderly pedestrians and the traffic parameters were tested with respect to the dimensions of safety, convenience and efficiency. Then, the significant parameters affecting PLOS were recognised. Based on the traffic characteristic parameters, the PLOS evaluation model from the elderly perspective was established using the fuzzy linear regression method. PLOS classification thresholds were obtained using the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm. The data from two intersections were used to validate the model. The results show that the difference between the actual and the predicted PLOS values of the two crosswalks were 0.2 and 0.1, respectively. Thus, the proposed PLOS evaluation model in this paper can be used to accurately predict the PLOS from the elderly perspective using the traffic data of signalised intersections.
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Engineering (miscellaneous),Ocean Engineering,Civil and Structural Engineering