The city of Trabzon, which has been one of the most important settlements in Anatolia since the ancient eras, contains the traces of political, economic, and social mobility observed throughout its long history in its urban texture. The study focuses on the urban texture of Trabzon after the Ottoman conquest and focuses on the period between the 17th and 20th centuries, which is seen as an important deficiency in the literature. In this context, archival documents kept during the Ottoman period, especially through the records of the kadı court of Trabzon; the main backbone of the study is the determination of the mahalles (quarters) that are newly established, whose names have changed and merged, as well as examining where these mahalles are located on the city topography and discussing the dimensions of urban growth seen in 17-20. Century period.
Mimarlik Bilimleri ve Uygulamalari Dergisi
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