Urban agriculture has been highlighted in recent years. Urban agriculture offers a multi-disciplinary field of study for many disciplines such as landscape architecture, architecture, urban planning, agriculture, sociology, and other related disciplines. This study aims to examine the academic studies on urban agriculture in Turkey and to reveal the level of development of academic studies in urban agriculture literature. Academic studies published in the domestic literature between 2001-and 2021 were identified and these studies were analyzed using the bibliometric technique. Google Scholar, YÖK Akademik, YÖK thesis center databases were searched with selected keywords (urban agriculture, urban farming) and 3 doctoral dissertations, 14 master's thesis, 1 book, 3 book chapters, 12 articles published in international and national journals, and 32 international and national symposium/conference papers were identified in the domestic literature. As a result, it was found that academic studies started in 2001 and increased after 2013 in the urban agriculture literature. In addition, it is noteworthy that the subjects and methods of academic studies on urban agriculture are limited.
Mimarlik Bilimleri ve Uygulamalari Dergisi
Reference81 articles.
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