Village Design Guidelines as a Tool for Defining Post-Disaster Earthquake Resistant Local Architectural Organization Policies




1. İstanbul Gedik Üniversitesi


Due to the destruction of disasters re-establishment of the settlement required to be constructed in a limited time. In the restructuring process of built environment, the primary expectation is to provide risk management against earthquake effects. However, planning decisions developed solely for this purpose may cause the loss of the local characteristics of rural settlements within the borders of the same province vary due to natural and social factors. As a solution, in the scope of the study the earthquake-safe construction model that will develop on reading the potentials of the place is discussed through village design guides. The content approach consists of pre-disaster documenting the local architectural identity data and local earthquake resistant design values determined by inventory analysis. The next step is based on the collection of damage indicators in the post-disaster period to determine the issues requiring improvement. It is envisaged that the parallel development of this content with the legislation will ensure that the guidelines become a design policy in the process of earthquake safe rural construction. Thus, rural planning that is economically, ecologically, and culturally earthquake-resilient can be possible with reference to local architectural identity values.


Mimarlik Bilimleri ve Uygulamalari Dergisi


Automotive Engineering

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